Chat with artist -Luise Ribeiro

Breeze Online Gallery
Chat with artist -Luise Ribeiro
1. How long have you been an artist? I call myself and I follow the path of artist about 1 year ago
2. What made you want to become an artist? What motivates me every day to be an artist is to arouse feelings in people with something that I create, and also because it is something that makes me feel good, it is as if I come closer to myself.
3. How would you describe your work? My art follows a pattern, and at the same time has no style
4. What issues or themes are you looking at and what challenges are there? The challenges for me are only beginning, as I entered the art world not long ago. But it's the same as always, to be accepted by society as an artist and other challenges that I will encounter
5. What mediums do you work in or prefer to work in and why? For the time being my work is on the internet, and in the sale of my arts, I prefer it because I can reach more people, especially in instagram, where many people send me beautiful messages that I can hardly believe
6. What is the main theme of your work or your message? I really like to draw the female image and always pass on my feelings in a sentence or in the drawing itself
7. What are the obstacles or difficulties that you have in your location? In my city, and also in my country, artists are harder to appreciate, but I prefer to believe that I can get where I want if I believe it is possible
8. How have you managed to overcome them? In my city, and also in my country, artists are harder to appreciate, but I prefer to believe that I can get where I want if I believe it is possible
9. What are you currently working on and have you discovered anything new? I'm still in process
10. Where do you see your work in the future? Embellishing the home and people's lives
11. What excites you at the moment? Always create new things and become the person I want to be
12. Who is you favorite artist? My favorite artists are some of Instagram
13. What influences you and your work? What influences me is that my future depends on myself, and my art is my job.
14. What advice would you give to your younger self? One hour you will meet
15. What’s your favorite color? Food? Movie? Music? My favorite things are constantly changing, I always like everything
16. What is your favorite quote? Why? I need to be speechless when I want to scream. Says a lot about me
17. What can we expect from Luise Ribeiro in the future? Personal projects that I hope to work out, and more arts always
Big Thank you to Luise.