20 Questions with Joaquim Gabriel Patricio
Breeze Online Gallery Presents:
20 Questions with Joaquim Gabriel Patricio
1. How long have you been an artist?
A. I think that ever since I was a kid. I mean, I believe that most of people during their childhood, have the opportunity of painting with pencils, watercolors, crayons, and of course, drawing. That said, I believe that I’m just continuing the process that has started many years ago.
2. What made you want to become an artist?
A. I always had fun while attempting to create anything; from a simple drawing, to a series of comic strips. As for the abstract art itself, it all started as an opportunity of challenging myself into creating something new, and then it became a hobby, eventually.
3. How would you describe your work?
A. It’s hard to say, because I think that one of the best things about abstract art, is that no matter what is the final result, or the title that you’ve named it, the imagination of the viewer is what ultimately defines the actual outcome. I’d say that I just attempt to mix different shapes, tones and colors until I’m satisfied with the result.
4. What issues or themes are you looking at and what challenges are there?
A. That’s complicated. I mean, whenever I start creating something new, I don’t usually know what to expect or how the final outcome is gonna be. What I look forward to do, is to keep on mixing colors and trying to find some new and distinctive patterns.
5. What mediums do you work in or prefer to work in and why?
A. Digital media, without any doubt. If I didn’t have the resources that I have available through some specific art softwares, I believe I’d never be able to achieve satisfactory results.
6. What is the main theme of your work or your message?
A. The message would be “let your mind soar”, because regardless of the title of the submission, each person will have their own personal evaluation about it, and that’s what it makes abstract art so special for me.
7. What are the obstacles or difficulties that you have in your location?
A. Well, I never really attended any art course before and didn’t really know how to properly use any software in order to create anything. To tell you the truth, when I get to think about “art education”, the first thing that comes to my mind is learning geometry, but that’s something completely out of this context (except maybe when it comes to the word “difficulties”).
8. How have you managed to overcome them?
A. Luckily, there were many tutorials available where I could get to learn many things. Overall, I think that the best way to overcome anything, is by simply studying the situation carefully and trying to learn as much as you can from it, so then you can get to know what are the possibilities and limitations that you could get.
9. What are you currently working on and have you discovered anything new?
A. I’m currently not working on anything at the moment, but it doesn’t mean that I’m giving up, I’m just taking my time. As for discovering anything new, I’m always looking for new means, but I’m currently still trying to find another piece of the puzzle.
10. Have you had any setbacks?
A. Oh yes, every now and then there’s always one waiting at the end of the corner. Either way, that’s just part of life. What I really look forward is trying to learn something important through them, instead of just playing the victim and cursing the world.
11. What’s been your greatest achievement to date? A. When it comes to the artworks, it’s fair to say that it’s this exhibition at Breeze Online Gallery. I’m really glad to have this opportunity, and also to become a part of its legacy.
12. Where do you see your work in the future?
A. Ah, I’d actually be really happy to see them just about anywhere. I mean, is there anything more gratifying to an artist than seeing other people appreciating their creation?
13. What would you like to regarding your work?
A. If possible, I’d like to keep learning new means and techniques in order to achieve different and/or better results through time.
14. What excites you at the moment?
A. Walking in the park, breathing some clean air and trying to keep my mind away from all the mundane concerns.
15. Who is you favorite artist?
A. I have to pay my respects to Mr. “Hayao Miyazaki”. All the Ghibli movies are so colorful and detailed, that they really make me feel that I’m actually in there.
16. What influences you and your work?
A. Usually, it’s my routine. There’re certain days that I get this sudden surge of energy and I’m ready to create anything, while there’re some others that I just want to lay down in bed and sleep.
17. What advice would you give to your younger self?
A. Hmm… I don’t know. Whenever I think about it, I think it’s better if I’d never have that kind of opportunity. It’s really tempting to think that you could actually change something about your past, but then again, what could be the actual consequences? That’s why I’d rather think that what is gone is gone, I hope that I can get to learn from my mistakes in order to dream with a better future.
18. What’s your favorite color? Food? Movie? Music?
A. I suppose it’s black, as I think that it goes well with anything. As for food, I’d never refuse any Sashimi or Temaki. One movie that I really like is “The Matrix” (only the first), I can watch it again anytime. My favourite song is “Advice for the young at heart”, by “Tears for Fears”.
19. What is your favorite quote? Why?
A. “There is no reality except the one contained within us. That is why so many people live such an unreal life. They take the images outside of them for reality and never allow the world within to assert itself”, by Hermann Hesse. There’s no easy answer to it, so I’ll just state that it makes me question myself often what is real and what isn’t.
20. What can we expect from Joaquim Gabriel Patricio in the future?
A. I really don’t know, the future is a mystery. Even though we might develop plans with all our care and patience, everything might get to crumble, eventually. All I can say is that I hope that I can keep submitting new creations every now and then, and enjoying every opportunity that life may provide me.
Special Thank you to Joaquim for taking the time to chat with us. Please Check out "Abstractus Ritus" Now Showing in the Main Gallery.